Shell Refining has had several occasions to utilize the services of Mitch Barrow over the last 2 years. As part of our Be Well program at the refinery, we engaged Mitch to present each week to our 5 different groups of shift workers – a somewhat skeptical group of shift workers – on the benefits of gentle movement and breathing to enhance the start of their day- within half an hour the entire room was doing exactly what Mitch had requested and totally engaged! To the point that an unscheduled further 20 minutes of question time was necessary.
Another opportunity we took to engage Mitch was to present to our entire refinery the benefits of movement and self awareness in an interactive style presentation. The feedback from employees was overwhelmingly positive.
The other occasion I engaged Mitch was at a two day Family Open Day at the Refinery in 2012. Mitch took our families and children through a variety of movements, designed to awaken the brain and increase blood flow over the entire two days.
We find Mitch’s style of presenting engages our different styles of work groups and guests very quickly, providing enough science and fact to these groups in a way that is easily understood by all these groups. Mitch’s demeanor and professionalism is such that I ask for his services in particular when we need to focus on our staff’s health and wellbeing.
Meg McDougall Executive Assistant and People Focus Coordinator at Shell Refining (Australia) Pty Ltd